Due to the unsatisfactory technical condition, industrial lighting of the production hall in some parts of the production premises of WEP TRADING a.s. was necessary. Sabinov to be modernized by using LED industrial lighting fixtures. Their installation and use was a natural requirement of the competent company staff.

The industrial lighting of each production hall must correspond to the type and nature of the activities carried out in the area. WEP TRADING a.s. is currently one of the most important Slovak manufacturers of bearing housings and wheelbases intended for railway vehicles. At the same time, it is also a long-standing manufacturer of circular angle saws for log processing.  The demands on industrial lighting for engineering production are high indeed.  Depending on the complexity of the production operations, it is necessary to ensure an intensity from 200 lx upwards.

Two company sites were selected for the modernisation of the production hall lighting. According to the complexity of visual tasks in the premises of these workplaces, the designers of LED-SOLAR, s.r.o. processed the lighting - technical calculations and proposed to use industrial LED luminaires of the LED Industry SII model series.

Competent staff of WEP TRADING a.s., after previous bad experiences with LED luminaire suppliers, asked LED-SOLAR for a loan of the proposed luminaires for industrial lighting for trial operation.  The LED luminaires for industry from the manufacturer LED-SOLAR passed the test successfully. The measurements carried out convinced the investor of the correctness of the proposed solution.

The new industrial lighting for both designated workplaces was successfully implemented. The main benefits of the new installation were to ensure that the standards for workplace lighting were met.  Last but not least, the intensity and uniformity of the illumination was increased several times. Improving the conditions for the performance of visual tasks at the workplaces mentioned above brings the possibility of higher quality of work performed and safety of employees when performing tasks.

The new industrial lighting of the industrial hall has also brought other benefits to WEP TRADING a.s..  The use of high quality LED luminaires for industry of the LED Industry SII model series means significant savings on maintenance costs. The savings in electricity consumption of the lighting system compared to the original state are also a benefit. This was 68% on the first site and up to 90% on the second.


WEP TRADING, a.s., Sabinov

