It has become a fact that the LED-SOLAR luminaires will be deployed for the lighting of the railway area on the Czech railways as well as on the Slovak ones. Already in the middle of the last year, the verification operation was started in agreement with Správa železniční dopravní cesty, státní organizace (hereinafter referred to as SŽDC). SŽDC is responsible for the transport infrastructure of the Czech Railways and generally for the quality of the operating conditions of the railways. For LED-SOLAR, s.r.o. it is a great honour that the Czech railway administrator has shown interest in the operation of a modern railway lighting system.

The Czech railwaymen have shown particular interest in the deployment of this modern railway lighting system for several reasons. The first and decisive reason was the excellent references from the use of this progressive lighting technology in the environment of the Slovak railways. Last but not least, there is also the ambition to take advantage of the technical features of modern LED lighting technology. The LED-SOLAR railway luminaires reflect the strict requirements of railway lighting right in their design basis. The demanding technical environment of traction, accidental events, stray currents test the technical and constructional qualities of each installed device.

Railway luminaires - development

The development of luminaires for railway area lighting has been a long time in the making. For the designers, technical consultations and knowledge of railway operating staff were indispensable. Close and patient cooperation with erudite experts of the Slovak Railways  and Railway Research and Development Institute  has borne fruit. The first pilot LED Trail railway luminaires were very quickly replaced by a highly reliable model range for railway area lighting under the trade name LED Rail. As it is a comprehensive lighting system, it incorporates several types of luminaires for different purposes.

Complex lighting system

LED Rail Line luminaires are used for basic illumination of the railway area from lighting towers. These are complemented by LED Rail Spot directional luminaires. Single-sided platforms are illuminated by LED Rail Platform S luminaires. LED Rail Platform T models are used to illuminate double-sided platforms. The track platforms are illuminated from separate tracks by LED Rail II luminaires.

The lighting of the railway area is tested in the premises of the railway station Břeclav, where the LED-SOLAR railway luminaires designed for railway masts and lighting towers are tested. Models of luminaires for platform lighting are placed in the premises of the Hrušky railway station.

The control measurements and operational tests were excellent and the Czech railwaymen have the opportunity to use new, modern and highly efficient lighting technology.
