The lighting of the production of LED-SOLAR, s.r.o. was a task whose solution was to meet several objectives. The original fluorescent luminaires were slowly reaching the end of their life and needed to be replaced urgently. The reason was simple. The maintenance costs of the old lighting system were rising unbearably, not only due to the constant replacement of burnt-out neon tubes. Damaged parts of the luminaire housings had to be replaced and many times further repairs of the luminaires were no longer possible. LED luminaires for production were the obvious solution, which was extended by the DALI control system.
The management of LED-SOLAR, s.r.o. decided for a total modernisation of the lighting. As the company is primarily engaged in the production of luminaires, the original lighting of the production hall was replaced with products from its own production. The installed LED luminaires in the company's production area created an imaginary exhibition of various products in practice. The LED luminaires for own production in the main production hall are adjustable. The DALI system and Helvas's hardware enabled several lighting scenes to be programmed. Also, natural light intensity sensors, which are supported by the DALI system, were incorporated into the lighting system for the production hall.
Smart production hall lighting
Customers can now see and test the intelligent production lighting live directly in the LED-SOLAR production area. The purpose of deploying smart solutions in the lighting systems of production plants is to ensure the prescribed lighting intensity of the illuminated workplaces for specific production processes. Smart lighting uses sensors to evaluate the actual proportion of daylight in the illuminated space and adjusts the luminous flux of the controlled luminaires to the required level. For the illumination of the main production hall of LED-SOLAR, s.r.o. were used luminaires of the LED Shape model series with controllable sources with DALI interface of the renowned brand Tridonic.
Illumination parameters
Not only the lighting of the production hall was reconstructed. The modernization also affected other adjacent production areas. The design office staff calculated the required lighting parameters for all workplaces and determined the types of LED luminaires for subsequent installation. Determining the correct placement of the new LED luminaires at each workstation was also critical to achieving the correct lighting. In fact, sufficient intensity, uniformity of illumination or colour temperature are not sufficient for reliable work performance. The direction from which the light comes is important to avoid unwanted glare or shading.
In addition to ensuring the standard lighting conditions prescribed for the lighting of the production hall and adjacent areas, the lighting of the administrative areas has also been reconstructed. The overall saving in electrical energy is in excess of 70%.
LED-SOLAR, s.r.o., Prešov