Salt over gold is appreciated by every motorist, especially on winter roads. Then there is no shortage of icy roads threatening skidding and unfortunate consequences. Storing huge quantities of gritting salt brings with it a whole host of pitfalls. Salt poses operational problems for the various technologies used to store it. Salt storage lighting is no exception.

Salt versus salt warehouse lighting

Any technical solution that can prevent problems with salt aerosols in the air of salt storage facilities becomes a real gold. Corrosion of metals with current technologies is a concomitant phenomenon that could be talked about for hours by the staff of any of the maintenance centres of the National Motorway Company.

Constant problems with the standard luminaires used for lighting the salt warehouse forced the employees of the National Highway Company to seek professional help. They asked the developers of LED-SOLAR to find a suitable technical solution that would put an end to their persistent worries. After weighing all the pros and cons, the designers decided to use LED Industry SII luminaires as the basis for the warehouse lighting system. These are preferably designed for lighting industrial production areas and warehouses. The company LED - SOLAR, s.r.o. produced luminaires with a high degree of corrosion protection especially for this order. The standard industrial LED luminaires with a reinforced anodized layer have been given a special coating and improved sealing.

The technical modifications had no effect on the light-technical parameters of the luminaires of the LED Industry SII model series.  The installation of the specially adapted LED luminaires in the warehouse areas was carried out according to the calculations of the contractor's designers. The new lighting of the salt warehouse brought the Beharovce Maintenance Centre of the National Motorway Company a reduction in the maintenance costs of the lighting system of the warehouse premises. In addition to the reduction in investment costs for the continuous purchase of new luminaires, the new LED lighting of the salt warehouse also means significant savings in electricity consumption even with the significantly higher light output of the new lighting.

Product innovation

The company LED-SOLAR, s.r.o. offers its clients the possibility of technical modifications of the produced luminaires as a standard. If the luminaires are to be used in aggressive environments or other specific conditions, the best technical solution is usually found after taking into account all the anticipated influences.
